This is the photo I am working from primarily, though I have several others for detail and do have the actual milk can sitting in the shed as well.

Having problems with the camera "reading" the cream bristol as "not white" and of course line drawings do not reproduce well.
Drawing started here with some of the basic shading blocked in and brambles started. Mushrooms at the base have been blocked in and some of the background shading laid in behind them.

Still having trouble with the camera "reading" the white areas as "colored". But now further along with this and I've now decided it needs a tree on the right and have started there but need a lot more ground cover/foliage worked across the lower part of the tree trunk.
And looking at it again, tree trunk is too big for the small branch ... bigger branch or smaller tree. Shoot.

So the solution was to put in two small trees. I think this is going to work.
It looks in better balance. More definition needed on the trees and of course a lot more foliage and ground cover around and behind the trees in the lower right corner.